Kontor og administrasjon

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Grenseveien 107 0663 Oslo
T + 47 23 00 70 20


Office and administration

about-sidebarOffice and administration is the very heart of any workplace. If the heart stops beating, it doesn’t take long before your business stops breathing. That’s why it’s important to get the right person for the right position – at the right time. You’ll get this with Sonar AS.

Finding the throbbing hearts can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, Sonar AS helps you to focus on operations and core business – not just today but also in the future.

Your working day gets simpler

There are many reasons why your administration isn’t always fully staffed, and why you may sometimes need some extra help: For example, there may be external causes such as the time of year or uncertain times in your industry. Or maybe you need to staff or recruit right now because your receptionist is going on leave or someone in payroll is going on a long vacation?

Whatever the reason: Sonar AS helps take the burden off your shoulders. We recruit and staff your office and administrative department for you, whether it be for private or public sector, for short or long-term assignments – or if you want a permanent employee.

Sonar AS’s consultants have specialist knowledge within office and administration, with emphasis on secretaries, project managers and customer service employees – there’s a particularly large increase in requests for the latter. There’s no coincidence that this particular field is one of our main priorities: Everyone we employ and recruit in office and administration are like us in Sonar AS – concerned with service, expertise, quality and efficiency.

We create value for you

Great knowledge of office and administration means that we immediately understand what you want. With our tailor-made staffing and recruitment solutions, such as our large database of candidates which is updated daily, we’ll quickly find the person who suits you.

Sonar AS knows that every need, every company and every employee is unique. Therefore, we listen to you and we will not give up until we have found the candidate you are looking for. This is how we create value for you and your business. We don’t just work FOR you, we work WITH you to find the right person for the job.

Also, remember that when you hire through us, we cover all social costs such as holiday pay, sickness benefits, pensions, insurance and employer’s national insurance contributions.

Do you have vacancies within office and administration? Or do you want to apply for a job within office and administration? Either call us on 23 00 70 20, or click here, and you will hear from us soon. We look forward to hearing from you!

And remember – we’ll find the right people for you.