[wpo_company_info title=»Contact information» photo=»315″ link=»https://www.sonarsearch.no/en/kontakt-oss/» text_link=»Konta»]

Grenseveien 107 0663 Oslo
T + 47 23 00 70 20


Why use Sonar?

about-sidebarAt Sonar AS we always go that extra mile to match you as a candidate with the assignment that’s right
for you. There are many opportunities with us, either for short-term assignments or longer engagements.

Through cataloguing your skills, we can open new doors to exciting employers and flexible assignments. We solve assignments within most areas of expertise, but we focus on vacancies at all levels within:

  • construction
  • finance and accounting
  • office and administration

For us it is important to make your expertise and experience visible to a potential employer. We always visit the client prior to a job placement, to ensure you end up where you both fit and can thrive. Through mapping out of what the employer is looking for, we make sure you get assignments
where you make the best use of your skills.

As a candidate through Sonar AS, we are your employer and thus responsible for paying your salary, holiday pay and social expenses. We are a member of NHO Service, which for you as a job seeker means you’re taken care of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Hvorfor velge oss

[wpo_featuredbox title=»FOLLOW-UP» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» photo=»788″ text_style=»dark» information=»Feel looked after throughout the process from A to Z» el_class=»list-1″][wpo_featuredbox title=»HIGHLIGHTING YOUR SKILLS» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» photo=»788″ text_style=»dark» information=»We help you to highlight your skills to find new, exciting opportunities»]
[wpo_featuredbox title=»UNIQUE INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» photo=»788″ text_style=»dark» information=»All our employees have expertise and experience within the areas and industries they are recruiting to»][wpo_featuredbox title=»SAFETY» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» photo=»788″ text_style=»dark» information=»We are a member of NHO Service, so you can rest assured that you’re taken care of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations»]